How to 'eat' diabetes back? Remember these 4 sentences, blood sugar 'secretly' drops!


In recent years, more and more patients suffering from diabetes in China. In fact, diabetes is a disease of the rich and the rich. It has a lot to do with the usual eating habits. Maybe many people don’t pay attention to diet and eat too much high-fat, high-calorie, high-sugar food. Organs have a big impact and can also lead to elevated blood sugar levels in the body. People who know how to keep in good health pay attention to diet in normal times. In fact, diabetes can also eat back. How to "eat" diabetes back? Remember these 4 sentences, blood sugar "secretly" drops!

How to "eat" diabetes back? Follow these 4 sentences, maybe your blood sugar will only drop but not rise

1: Eat less staple foods high in carbohydrates

We have to consume staple food for every meal, so we must pay attention when choosing the staple food, especially for diabetic patients, do not eat more foods with high carbohydrates, such as rice, if you eat rice often, you will lose weight Increase blood sugar in the body to a certain extent, and the probability of suffering from diabetes will also increase. Therefore, in normal times, you should eat less staple foods high in carbohydrates and eat more coarse grains. In this way, the blood sugar in your body can be quietly lowered, which has a good effect on controlling blood sugar and relieving diabetes.

2: Eat less fruit with high sugar content

If you suffer from diabetes, you must pay attention when eating fruits in normal times, and don't eat fruits that are too high in sugar. Such as hawthorn, dragon fruit, etc. Although these fruits are not very sweet, their sugar content is very high. If you often eat this kind of fruit, it will easily lead to the increase of blood sugar in the body, which may cause a series of complications and have a bad impact on people's health. Therefore, in normal times, choose fruits with relatively low sugar content, such as grapefruit, kiwi, etc., so that they can effectively reduce blood sugar in the body, and can also effectively improve the sensitivity of pancreatic islets, secrete more insulin and lower blood sugar.

3: Do not smoke or drink

In addition to diet, behavioral habits are also very important. People with diabetes must quit smoking and alcohol. Because smoking and drinking can also lead to an increase in blood sugar levels in the body, which seriously affects the blood circulation in the body, which is not conducive to the discharge of toxins and garbage. So if you have these habits, you must correct them as soon as possible.

4: Don’t randomly stop hypoglycemic drugs

For people who already have diabetes. In normal times, it is very important to insist on taking hypoglycemic drugs. If you stop using hypoglycemic drugs indiscriminately, it will seriously affect the health of your body, and may cause a substantial increase in blood sugar in the body, and may also cause a Complications of the series. Although the way of diet therapy and health preservation can effectively help lower blood sugar, hypoglycemic drugs are still the main ones. Food can only be adjuvant therapy.

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