Dinner determines your weight and lifespan, keep in mind 4 dinner 'tips', and longevity will be with you!


A health expert once said this sentence: "1/4 of the function of dinner is to maintain life, and 3/4 is to maintain doctors' income." Dinner determines a person's body shape and lifespan. Wrong dinner habit will bring great harm to health, and disease will follow if you eat wrong dinner.

  1. The relationship between dinner and obesity

According to statistics, 90% of obese people are caused by eating too much and too much at night. After eating a big dinner at night and lack of exercise, the food accumulates in the body to form fat, and over time, an obese body is formed.

  1. The relationship between dinner and diabetes and fatty liver

Eating too much dinner will stimulate the secretion of insulin for a long time, which will increase the burden on the islets and cause diabetes. If the dinner is too rich, high calorie, high protein, and high fat food intake, it will burden the liver, form hyperlipidemia over time, and seriously become fatty liver.

  1. The relationship between dinner and bowel cancer

If you overeat for dinner, the protein food cannot be fully digested, and it is easy to produce toxic substances under the influence of intestinal bacteria and attach to the intestinal tract. Over time, toxic substances stay in the intestinal tract for too long, which increases the risk of bowel cancer.

  1. The relationship between dinner and sleep

Overeating for dinner can easily cause the body's stomach, liver, kidneys and other organs to still work when they are resting. Thereby stimulating the brain and causing excitement. Brain excitement will cause insomnia, dreaminess and hyperactivity, which will affect the quality of sleep.

  1. The relationship between dinner and dementia

If you eat too much for dinner, it will affect the rest of your body organs. As a result, the brain cannot get normal rest, and it will also cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, affect the metabolism of brain cells, and accelerate the aging of brain cells. Over time, when you reach old age, your chances of developing Alzheimer's are higher than the average person.

Dinner determines your weight and lifespan, keep in mind 4 dinner "tips", and longevity will be with you!

  1. Eat less dinner

As the saying goes: "Eat a good breakfast, eat enough at noon, and eat less at night." For dinner, we try to eat as little as possible, and remember not to overeat. It is enough to eat about 6 minutes full.

  1. Have breakfast for dinner

Eat dinner early, preferably before 7 pm. Eating dinner too late can easily affect the digestion of food, causing indigestion or obesity.

  1. Vegetarian for dinner

Dinner is mainly to maintain various functions of the body. Eat as much vegetarian food as possible for dinner, and eat less meat.

  1. Eat a healthy dinner

Avoid high-calorie, high-fat, and high-fat foods for dinner. For dinner, you can eat some fruits such as cucumbers, apples, etc. appropriately. This is a low-calorie, but extremely high-water food that can meet the vitamins and water needed by the human body.

Do you have any other good ideas for dinner, please comment below to share and discuss.

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