3 kinds of food that liver disease is most afraid of, insist on eating a little every day, the liver is getting better day by day!


The liver is the general official of the human body. It can help the human body regulate blood, and has the functions of storing blood and preventing bleeding. It is also the command center of metabolism, ensuring the smooth flow of human blood. And because many people do not pay attention to protection in their lives, resulting in frequent liver diseases. Protecting the liver is a particularly important thing in our lives. If there is a problem with the liver, the health of the body will be seriously threatened, so how to protect the liver? Today, I will recommend several foods that can protect the liver. Let’s take a look.

  1. Lily

Lily can nourish essence and blood, eliminate liver and lung heat toxin, and is also very beneficial to people who are weak after illness, insomnia and dreamy. Lily compound mucus and vitamins are also very helpful for skin cell metabolism. Women often eat lily to relieve anger, and it has a certain cosmetic effect.

  1. Pumpkin

Pumpkin has a sweet taste and is a warm food. It has the functions of invigorating qi, reducing inflammation, relieving pain and detoxification. Pumpkin is also rich in vitamins and pectin, which can clean up toxins and eliminate bacteria. Nitrite can cause damage to human health. Pumpkin can reduce This damage also has the effect of protecting the liver, which can help restore liver function and enhance the regeneration ability of liver cells.

  1. Papaya

Papaya not only has a good liver nourishing effect, but also can effectively enhance the antiviral ability of the liver. The reason why papaya is good for the liver is because papaya contains a lot of vitamin C and a variety of amino acids, which can not only satisfy the needs of the liver It can also effectively improve the resistance of liver cells.

Diet is important, but the protection of the liver is not only enough to eat well, but we also need to do the following points to better protect the liver.

  1. Adjust the sleeping position

Sleeping on your side is a common sleeping position for many people, and it is easy to switch to a side sleeping position when lying on your back. Because the Liver Meridian is on both sides of the human body, when lying on the side, whether it is lying on the left side or the right side, the Liver Qi can be nourished. Because when a person is lying on the side, the blood naturally goes to the liver meridian, "the liver controls the blood", once the blood returns to the liver meridian, the human body can fall asleep peacefully and start the hematopoietic function of the day.

  1. Proper exercise

Actively engaging in physical exercise is another effective way to protect the liver, because exercise can reduce excess body weight, prevent obesity, eliminate the harm of excessive fat to the liver, and promote gas exchange, speed up blood circulation, and ensure that the liver can get more of oxygen and nutrients. Maintain a moderate amount of exercise every day, and gradually control the amount of exercise according to the different conditions of individual liver function.

  1. Adjust work and rest

The liver also needs rest. Find a way to ensure that you fall asleep before 11 pm, and would rather get up early than go to bed late. In addition, it is also recommended for working people to eat more foods that soothe the liver and nourish the liver, such as leeks, bergamot, papaya, shellfish, and fungus.

  1. Pay attention to diet

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