How do you know you are healthy? A scale and a tape measure, knowing 3 indicators is enough!


Ever wondered what is "health"? Just don't get sick? Baidu Encyclopedia's "health standard" entry provides the World Health Organization's definition of male standard weight = (height cm-80) × 70% in "health":

Health is a state of physical and mental perfection, as well as good resilience, not just the absence of disease and infirmity.

The "health" that WHO refers to includes physical, psychological, and social adaptation, not just physical absence of illness.

However, in daily life, what people call "health" is often narrowly defined, that is, only refers to physical health. Therefore, this article only discusses what kind of "physical health" can be a reference for judging whether one is healthy or not.

There are many indicators that can reflect whether a person is healthy or not, from common weight and blood pressure, to bone mineral density and fatty liver that must be tested in a hospital, to a person's various physical conditions, etc. There are many indicators.

Simplify the complexities. In addition to doing one or two physical examinations a year, ordinary people have a comprehensive understanding of various physical indicators. If they master the following three indicators, their health is basically guaranteed.

The World Health Organization's standard body weight calculation formula is as follows:

Male standard weight = (height cm-80) × 70%, female standard weight = (height cm-70) × 70%

The normal range is within the range of plus or minus 10% of the standard body weight;

A range of 10% to 20% above the standard body weight is overweight, and more than 20% is obese;

A range of 10% to 20% below the standard body weight is underweight, and less than 20% is underweight.

Ordinary people who live a normal life and rest can basically judge their current health status by their weight. For example, people who are obese (non-long-term exercisers) must have a high body fat rate, and many people will suffer from fatty liver; exercise capacity is also generally low, because obesity in modern people is closely related to lack of exercise.

Therefore, ordinary people can carry out long-term weight management to keep their weight in the normal range, and their health status is basically guaranteed.

However, weight is a very rough indicator. How obese a person is is not determined by weight alone. Muscular men have high skeletal muscle content and thus gain weight, but with low body fat rate, they are healthier.

Even for the same person, after exercising, the weight remains the same, but the body composition changes (body fat loss, muscle gain), and weight loss is equally successful, indicating improved health.

Most of the body fat percentages can be directly measured by household electronic scales. However, the body fat percentage measurement of electronic scales is not necessarily accurate, which is due to the measurement method itself. The electronic scale measures the body fat rate using the bio-resistance method, and there are many factors that affect the accuracy. For example, the water content of the human body will affect the measured value.

A more direct approach is to measure your waist on a regular basis. Both men and women, the waist and abdomen are the base camp for the accumulation of residual fat. As long as the waistline decreases, the body fat percentage will definitely decrease.

Control the waist circumference within the normal range, and the weight and body fat percentage will also be normal.

The reference standard for waist circumference provided in the "Survey Report on Nutrition and Health Status of Chinese Residents" published in 2008 is that for people aged 40 to 75, men should not exceed 85cm, and women should not exceed 80cm.

In 2005, the International Diabetes Federation established a healthy waist circumference standard of no more than 80cm for men and no more than 70cm for women. The upper limit of waist circumference for judging whether there is a risk of disease is 85cm for men and 90cm for women.

Waist-to-hip ratio is the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. This indicator can reflect the distribution of fat.

Two fat men of the same weight, one is evenly fat (small waist-to-hip ratio), and the other has a large belly and thin limbs (large waist-to-hip ratio), the latter has a higher health risk. That is, the larger the waist-to-hip ratio, the more abdominal fat is accumulated, and the more dangerous it is.

WHR over 0.9 for men and over 0.8 for women is central obesity.

According to the "Men and Women's Waist-Hip Ratio Risk Comparison Table" published by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) in its "Guidelines for Physical Fitness Testing and Evaluation", the reference values ​​for each age group are as follows:

To master the above three indicators, you only need a weight scale (ordinary scales do, not necessarily electronic scales), plus a tape measure for waist and hip circumferences. But you'll find that it's easy to measure them, but not easy to make sure they're working properly. The road to health has just begun!

【Extended reading】

Why is there no weight change in two years of fitness? Let the weight be damned!

What is the best height and weight? 4 kinds of male body, the third is the most attractive, which one are you

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