There is cancer in the body, the finger is prophetic, if there is one feature in the finger, it reminds that the cancer is quietly 'invading'
Cancer is a deadly disease, and many cancers have no particularly visible signs in the early stages! This causes many patients to miss the best treatment time! Recent studies have shown that if there is cancer in the body, the fingers have a feature! What exactly is going on? Let's see it together!
1. How the fingers reflect cancer and what are the characteristics.
Cancer is now a very common disease in our lives. When it comes to cancer, we are all scared because most people think cancer means death! Cancer in the body. Generally speaking, the fingers of patients with lung disease will have clubbing, the ends of the fingers will become larger, and the curvature of the nail surface will gradually increase!
If early-stage lung cancer can be detected and treated in time, its 5-year survival rate can reach 99%! For patients, the early stages of cancer are a critical time to protect life! This change is not sudden. It accumulates over a long period of time and changes unknowingly!
Finger clubbing isn't just associated with lung cancer. It also includes many factors such as hypoxia in the blood, some lung diseases, intestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc.! It is obviously not enough to judge lung cancer with a pestle and fingers, and some are too decisive! Because early lung cancer itself has no symptoms, or there are some cold-like symptoms, such as dry cough. It is unscientific to judge lung cancer based on symptoms alone, so we need to adopt more advanced and comprehensive examination methods!
Low-dose CT screening is the best screening method. It replaces the previous chest radiograph, reducing omissions or misdiagnoses and improving diagnostic rates. In a lung cancer screening experiment in the United States, 500,000 people underwent low-dose chest CT. Preliminary results suggest that the incidence of lung cancer in patients screened with low-dose CT is lower than in patients with flat chest.
The high-risk group for lung cancer is mainly older smokers. They can be said to be smoking and drinking! An elderly patient had hands that looked like chicken legs. The reason for this is that his finger ends are relatively rough and blunt, but his finger ends are so narrow that they look like drumsticks!
The symptoms started six months ago. No symptoms other than the fingers being a little ugly. However, by the time the old man felt uncomfortable and checked again, it was too late. After examination, the patient was diagnosed with advanced right lung central squamous cell carcinoma, which cannot be cured by surgery!
Do finger changes have anything to do with lung cancer? The same finger as a drumstick is called a club finger and is characterized by hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and stick-like expansion of the ends of the fingers or toes. Common in lung cancer, bronchiectasis, lung abscess and other diseases!
About 2-9% of lung cancer patients will have clubbed fingers! Some patients go to an orthopaedic surgeon. An experienced doctor will recommend a chest X-ray to remove lung tumors to check if they have lung disease! When the lung cancer treatment has good results, the clubbing fingers will gradually return to normal and grow when the lung cancer recurs. For middle-aged and elderly friends who have been smoking for a long time, they must be vigilant when the pestle finger appears!
So, why do lung cancer patients have clubbing fingers? At the moment, there are many explanations, but no conclusion has been reached. One theory is that when lung tumors develop, megakaryocytes are affected during the conversion of pulmonary blood vessels into platelets. When they aggregate in the peripheral circulation, they release a substance called platelet-derived growth factor, which stimulates the formation of clubbing in the distal end of the finger.
Other theories also include infectious factors, mechanical factors, and other endocrine factors, which are not explained here one by one. Two points to note: First, lung cancer not only produces stick fingers, but also some chronic lung diseases, but lung cancer needs to be ruled out. Second, not only do the fingers form stick fingers, but some patients' toes also form pestles!
In addition, bone metastases from advanced lung cancer may also cause joint pain, low back and leg pain. Bone metastases are a common complication of advanced lung cancer, followed by the pelvis, extremities, and skull. Pain is the main symptom of bone metastases from lung cancer. About 75% of lung cancer patients with bone metastases will experience pain.
Second, in addition to clubbing, what other characteristics?
If your finger has black spots or is deformed, and it's clubbed, your body may be at risk of cancer. In order to reassure myself, I hope to pay attention and go to a regular hospital for examination. First of all, the word cancer has now become a nightmare because of the high probability of cancer. Cancer does not have obvious signs of disease like other diseases, and it is found in the middle and late stages, so it is difficult to cure cancer.
Recently, methods of diagnosing cancer and observing fingers have spread on the Internet. While it's not very responsible from a scientific point of view, it makes sense! Therefore, in order to prevent the nightmare from coming, it is necessary to pay attention to the changes of the fingers. Second, some people have black spots on their hands, which many people don't care about.
However, this is really common. Some people may have moles just because of daily work, rest, or other reasons, with no physical problems. However, if you find that these black spots will feel different from the usual touch and are large in size, you need to be more careful, there may be cancer cells in your body!
Over time, tumors in the body expand in a vicious circle. Therefore, in order to ensure health, it is best to have a medical examination. Then, if the finger starts to deform and gradually becomes clubbed, i.e. part of the finger gets bigger, it could be a lung cancer or lung cancer problem. This is caused by a very unhealthy diet in everyday life.
Therefore, to be on the safe side, cut down on smoking and drinking, and go to the hospital for a medical check-up to ensure safety. It is unreasonable to judge cancer by finger alone, but for your own safety, if you feel unwell, you should have a medical examination as soon as possible.
The most common symptom in the early stages of lung cancer is cough, which usually presents as paroxysmal irritating dry cough with no or little sputum. When lung cancer invades adjacent organs and tissues in the early stage, it often manifests as irregular hidden pain or hidden pain in the chest, and the pain is aggravated when coughing! In addition, some early-stage lung cancer patients will also experience blood in the sputum or hemoptysis, difficulty breathing, and hoarseness.
Symptoms due to local growth of the primary tumor: Cough is the most common early symptom, accounting for 50% of lung cancer patients! Depending on where, how, and how fast the tumor grows, the cough manifests differently. It usually presents as a paroxysmal irritating dry cough with no or little sputum!
When a tumor blocks the windpipe, the cough gets worse! Common cough medicines are difficult to control.
Blood in the sputum or hemoptysis is the most obvious symptom of lung cancer. Central lung cancer is more common. Hemoptysis accounts for about 25% to 40% of lung cancer patients. It is characterized by intermittent or continuous. Repeat, there is blood in a small amount of sputum, intermittent blood in the sputum or a small amount of hemoptysis, and occasionally large hemoptysis!
3. How to prevent cancer? Listen to the doctor.
First, don't smoke. Nearly half of all smokers die from smoking-related diseases, many of them cancer! In the United States, 90% of lung cancers are directly caused by smoking, and another 3% are caused by secondhand smoke. "I don't know why people spend three to five dollars a day to help themselves lose eight to 12 years of life," Ferry said.
Second, pay attention to your diet . The American Cancer Society recommends that people eat at least five different vegetables and fruits each day as an effective way to help fight cancer. The journal Nutrition and Cancer also published an article saying that people who eat less fruits and vegetables are twice as likely to develop cancer as those who eat more fruits and vegetables. The American Cancer Society also recommends choosing whole-wheat flour over refined flour to limit consumption of red meat, especially processed fatty meats and alcoholic beverages.
Third, do more exercise . Moderate exercise is a form of exercise recommended by scientists. According to research, walking for an hour a day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 46%. The American Cancer Society recommends that people do 60 minutes of moderate- or light-intensity exercise at least 5 times a week. This can also promote body maintenance, as obesity also increases the risk of cancer!
Fourth, learn about family history . Family history is the biggest cause of fatal cancer. Inheritance can lead to cancer-causing factors in genes. If your immediate family members (parents, siblings, and children) have cancer, you may need regular checkups at a young age. But in any case, people should not be afraid, but should take a positive attitude to prevent cancer.